Intimidation or mistreating somebody weaker in a quite vulnerable way or the so-called bullying has to be watched closely. Psychological discomfort and unrest which afflict seriously the growth of children is somewhat acute problem to deal with. In addition it can turn to the step of devastating milieu over the health psychological growth of the children. Bullying in which personal threat, improper attitude leading to one’s fear and inferiority-feeling, is to be kept far away from any grass of schools where we send our children to study.
It doesn’t mean to underestimate and simplify those constructivist school defenders who preferably let the very growth of children as natural as it can be. Somehow natural sides of each human always take place whenever each step of ages is experienced. As bullying has shown no good benefits for the victims and the actors themselves, both parents and institutions have to give thoughtful concern over the matter. Otherwise we will be pleased to find one or two of our children someday are afraid of just interacting each other when they have been adult. None of us hopes this to happen. Keep our children away from bullying.
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