Mentality is simply defined as a habitual way of thinking or interpreting events unique to a type of person that is related to the produced behaviors. The habits of thinking base on the perception ground that shape one’s mind set. Knowledge as general awareness and a set of information, facts, and ideas as well take a big portion of the determinant factors given. Personal association to the existing external environments helps contribute to the mentality building as well. If good value is expected, the good environment has to be or on the contrary.
Knowing how to build a healthy mental environment where domestic education for children is valuable. There are 2 main conditions that have to be concerned when healthy mental environment would like to be created. First, parents have to play as the role model for their children. This is really essential to create good perception of the children in relation with any value of teachings and education given at home. To be the role model would not only need examples-giving about what, why, and how. It considers most on how to present real pictures of behaved attitudes and manners. Given these good facts, children will naturally copy the upheld noble values derived from their parents.
As certain level of contradiction between ‘what it is’ and ‘what it should be’ always matters in life, we have to avoid from contradicting attitudes given at home and somewhere outside. No body is perfect to play each role. Somehow it has got general principles to uphold by which our intention to educate the children by creating healthy mentality environment could work well. Never neglect a little act that stimulates to denote one ‘self ‘hypocrisy’. All what have been set up at home could be devastated in a few second as soon as the children notice that we cannot afford to stand our own values. Given the balance of being the good role model for children and avoiding from any self-contradiction of manner would give better lead to much educative milieu. Healthy mental environment can be soon generated in time afterward.
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