Creating discipline of children is not as easy as to say. Discussions and reports on psychological research output might be eloquently presented in forum or seminars. Concepts and theories are easily floored to the lecture hall or stadium general. However, the real practice of how to build discipline in children’s behavior is somewhat challenging parents to realize. The argument is that theory sounds easy-hearing while practice appears uneasy even challenging to implement. Somehow, these given the barriers of teaching our children the discipline don’t mean that it couldn’t be taught to them. As long as parents are patient and dedicative over the natural learning process of children, there would be clear cut out put that makes parents proud of their efforts.
Based on the factual experiences of parents and in line with the recommendation of education psychologist, children have got the learning capacity to be disciplined. There are few tips that help contribute concretely in teaching children the sense of discipline in which we cannot treat them as conception to debate about but merely proven experience to work effectively.
The first pointer, don’t ever oblige the children to do certain activities as well as you wanted them to. This will come into serious effect toward the psychological progress of kids like in-confidence, relative fear feeling, reluctance, and hesitancy as well. That’s why parents have to trust the children to do their own way. Being worried about some risks to happen is understandable. But the more important thing is to find children be confident and comfortable of what they are doing.
For example, children are fond of leaving their toys scattered everywhere on the floor or special playing room. Being active to put the toys into the box given, the children just turned them out again and again. You might get mad of them and angry with the action. The accordingly feel guilty and sensibly limited to explore. Parents had rather let them play and not interfere their activities. Giving such free atmosphere of playing and self-expression, children would feel much convenient to explore their minds and creativity.